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Get a Job
turn 16
apply for a job
good grades
find a part time job that I will enjoy doing
work on time management
Be nicer to people
be better at working with people I do not like
be better at speaking to people that I do not know
learn how to speak to people in public
2 Year Plan
Apply For Colleges
Find a major I enjoy
Have a Good GPA
Get More Involved at School
Manage athletics and academics better
Visit colleges
Find colleges that offer nursing
See if they will let me play sports and get my degree in nursing
Make Varsity Softball
Push Myself
Work on pitching
Make better choices outside of school
Get Better Grades and keep my gpa up
Better time management
Balance athletics and academics
Go to more open gyms and liftings
Be more prepared for games and practices
Stop forgetting stuff everywhere go
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